Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'd feel him up too!

Stephanie: he’s being tortured? you must intervene.

Lana: HA!..oh how I I wish
Some lucky female on Ellen got a chance to feel him up...NOW that's' what I'm talking about..she felt his feet,legs,shoulders...I would have gone for the hands to feel ME...or you know felt something else...what stupid people...stupid stupid

Stephanie: he really let someone feel him up? really?! how odd.
it’s exciting, yes, for someone filled with so much love for a person they’ve never met and know nothing about to get a change to meet them, to talk to them and maybe get in a picture or two. But to feel them up? I would have been embarrassed for myself. Seriously. What a strange request. Or offer, if that was the case. How do you even go about asking for something like that?
“um…*giggle*…hi, I’m…*giggle, blush*…Jessica and I was wondering if…*nervous laugh, hiccup, sweating*…if I could feel you up? Maybe feel your shoulders or something? Oh, gosh, I can’t believe I’m really talking to you! I love you so much!”
and if it was an offer by Ellen, how would you even give that away? what words do you use to make it seem normal, like this sort of thing happens all the time?
“now we have a gift for one lucky audience member. I’m going to call your name and that person gets a change to come down here and meet Robert Pattinson, take some pictures and…this is the good part and I’m going to have to cover my ears as soon as I say this…and the lucky winner will get to feel him up!”
he’s not a prop. the whole thing sounds so…odd.

Lana: Yea..ELLEN suggested it..he seemed ok with it..I think it went like this

Ellen: So Rob we are going to let one lucky audience member be blindfolded and try to guess which one of you three is the real Rob

Rob: *Head scratch* I don't think this is a good idea...

Ellen: No, it'll be fine..its just ONE audience member and you'll be in a robe the whole time

Rob: I HAVE TO BE NAKED...*pacing pacing* I can't I CAN'T

Ellen: CALM down, Taylor would do it without a second thought. You will be clothed you and the two other boys will put on robes and she"ll just feel you up...

Rob: "Feel US up" As in she gets to touch me wherever

Ellen: OH FOR THE LOVE OF KITTENS..NO she won't touch you in places that it would be inappropriate to show on daytime television, OK?

Rob: Yea, ok

Kristen: (apparently she was there, don't know for sure) This should be VERY interesting
Yea I don't know how Ellen offered that up...I don't know if that was something they discussed before or if it's something she just threw at him..I think it's something she just threw at him

here's the video:

Stephanie: I could only imagine what Kristen Stewart thinks when shenanigans like that go down. Probably: “Ha! I get that every night. Suckers.”
You know something? I wasn’t too far off base with the announcement that someone got to feel him up. Maybe I should host a daytime talk show? Or, “we” rather; you’d have to join me because we’re witty together. And if that doesn’t pan out maybe I could write for the show? I mean, she’s a comic and all but they need some other…substance, no? Maybe I’ll give it a shot.
And I think I prefer your commentary over what actually went down. I like the nervous Rob, the one who thinks he’ll get shanked walking down the street or while waiting in line for his sandwich order. This new Rob, the one who’s semi-adjusted to the famous life he now leads, the one who just raises his large, block eyebrows and nods in agreement at the suggestion of letting a stranger feel him up on daytime television is not the Rob that drew everyone under his spell. I want insecure. I want nervous. I want incoherent.
Oh, to be 2008 again…

Lana: I bet Kristen does think that, like "you guys are touching him but aren't you curious where his hands have been all night AND day" idiots
You were right on with the should do that..I support YOU!
Well you know my commentary is always the no I still think there's a little 2008 and left inside of him...I mean you can still see how SCARED he is by the fact that he still raises his eyebrows and his eyes get all wide, that this is still not comfortable..he'd much rather be next to Kristen UGH!!!
I wish it were 2008..I was NORMAL back than..sheesh I'd even go back to 2009 January before this thing happened with me

Stephanie: I suppose those raised eyebrows let the fear leak out, but it’s still not the same. I need a pick-me-up…

oh, that’s better.

you know, we could get you back to your normal self when you had no idea what Twilight was or who Robert Pattinson was. We can stop taking about him all together, you can delete his pictures from your computers and phone and any RP news/gossip you see you can just pass it up.

It’ll be like our own Twilight/RP rehab.

Lana: UGH TAYLOR....I don't think I can..I can't

Stephanie: now him I wouldn’t mind feeling up. I’d still be embarrassed doing it but I’d savor every moment.
hummina, hummina…

Lana: ha-ha...I have a feeling if WE were to feel this young men up..we would go straight for the jack pot!
Well I idea about you!

Stephanie: oh, of course! who wouldn’t?!
except that girl on Ellen, but that was televised so she had to keep it strictly PG.
I’d request a trou-drop. if I’m going to be humiliated feeling some guy up may as well get the best bang for my buck!

Lana: oh don't request these types of just DO IT..
hehe they'd be so shocked they wouldn't be able to react as quickly....

Stephanie: ok, now I can reply. I was afraid that if your message popped up that I responded they’d be able to see what we were talking about.
all I was going to say was: they many not react quickly about the trou-drop, but their security teams would! you’d have to be quick, QUICK! to not get stun gunned for doing that.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chris Klein-no longer American Pie

Stephanie: please tell me you’ve watched this?!

Lana: it's not this not like one of those funny or die videos?!

Stephanie: no, not funny or die, because I’d be dead. for sure!
I’m not the greatest singer in the world, but I could definitely belt that out way better than he did! why, oh, why would you audition for a role that requires you to sing ever 45 seconds? WHY?!?!?
granted, no one in that movie could really sing – besides Amanda Seyfried somewhat, but can you imagine if he was cast?!

Lana: I can't believe he as an "actor" and obviously I use that term loosely...did this for a serious part...
and WHY oh WHY would you talk about Mandy moore? I mean WTF.. I.Have.No.Words.
He and Katie should get back together and he can be the father of Suri, because realistically who really thinks Tom produced that baby...anyways when Katie and Chris were together they were at their best, their prime...

And if they both insist on hanging around than I think they should be together...
Tom Cruise doesn't NEED anybody but himself and those Scientology freaks of nature.

Stephanie: if he did do this seriously it’s because he’s not relevant in any way possible anymore, not after those American Pie movies, and no one wants him for any movie role.
he would be good as a mute, greasy middle aged actor. I’ll write to his “camp” my suggestion.
if I were Mandy Moore I’d send him hate mail for mentioning my name. she’s not relevant, either, but there’s no need to bring her down to his level.
when Suri was born there was a lot of speculation about whether she was Tom’s or not, remember? I think some tabloid agencies even went so far as to ask Chris and Katie if the baby was in fact Chris’. No joke. I don’t care either way, but I have to agree that if they insist on being in the public eye, whether it be to shop, audition, or prance around stage singing an awful rendition of that Lola song, they should do it together.
you’re going to laugh at me but I kind of don’t hate Tom Cruise. he’s crazy, yes. but I feel bad that everyone thinks he’s crazy and brainwashed by Scientology that I feel like he needs someone in his corner.
I always root for the underdog.

Lana: ha, he is NO longer relevant.
DOUBLE HA, for the Mandy Moore comment and sending him a letter...that would be hilarious
Yea I remember when Suri was born everyone speculated...
Tom Cruise is TOO much and the thing is he doesn't have to be too much..he's made great movies and up until a few years ago he was cool, normal, he was NORMAL.
I don't consider him an underdog because realistically whether or not we like him or support him the fool is going to be So he can be crazy or he can be normal I don't care....I just prefer him normal to crazy if I have to see him from time to time...

Friday, April 9, 2010

2 4 Taylor, 1 4 Kellan

Lana: I wonder if he was told to look at them in that "hey i want you way" so that all rumors of him playing for the opposite team would leave..or if he is authentically like "look at that"!!!

Stephanie: you pose a good question.
but if you really look at his eyes he’s not really looking at them. compare his stare to that of, say, david beckham and you’ll see a difference. for sure!

Lana:haha, I dunno it looked like he WAS looking...would be so funny if in this picture he's all "damn that girl in short shorts is blocking my view of the game, won't she EVER move"

Stephanie: hahaha!!!it sort of looks like he’s thinking that! I’m tell you…the stare he’s giving off isn’t one of intrigue, it’s definitely more like annoyance and boredom. now, if he were staring at the game with a HUGE SMILE on his face while “not looking at her” that would be different.
but this…very questionable.
p.s.: when I opened my e-mail all I saw in my right viewing pane was ass. thanks (sarcastically).

Lana:i know, thats y this kid makes me wonder....and makes me think I am correct
hahaha, lol sorry

Stephanie: I just hope, for the entire hetero woman population, that he isn’t on the other team.that would be just another example of a waste of good man candy. *sigh*

Lana: i just really really think he really the reason he has no guy friends is because he may be attracted to them and no one wants those photo assumptions to come up, and his dad is all " no way are we gonna loose everything we worked so hard for"

Stephanie: I get your point. but in today’s society being gay may actually work for him. yes, all of the girls that go crazy over him will be disappointed, but that just makes way for the dudes to line up for a slice of Taylor Pie.and just because he may be gay doesn’t mean he’s attracted to all of his guy friends. what if he really is just a loner, and all of the people he connects with are older and more seem to be women? look at hayden pana-whatever her name is. yeah she has friends, but look at who she dates! the guy she’s with now is, like, 54 years her senior!

Lana: nope, being gay won't work for taylor...he's been built as a hearthrob for girls...summit, girls, everyone will lose their "doo-doo" if he comes out..
and i'm not saying every gay male likes his male friends..but because everyone is SOO curious about Taylor..if he brings along a male friend, if he has ANY, than people will automatically assume it's his lover...

Stephanie:but it may work for him. he’s a heartthrob none the less. So summit may see this as an extension of Taylor. He can bring the girls for the abs and he can bring the boys for…well, the same thing actually. these books and movies are a phenomenon with girls everywhere – then it could be a hit with the guys, too.
I think if anyone is spotted with anyone it’s automatically a romantic connection. it even happened with Robert pattinson for a hot minute, with that guy he was buying underwear with, what’s his name…tom sturridge. it happens to everyone!

Lana: yea but Rob isn't the "muscular, guys guy, all man man" know..he's been marketed as "sensitive, and blah blah blah" taylor is supposed to be a guys guy and a girls's like if the Rock OR Vin Diesel were gay, that would be it....

Stephanie: no, rob was never a muscular guy – even though he’s supposed to be for the movies and they tried really hard to make him muscly in the second one. but he’s still a heartthrob. if the Rock came out his career might suffer, but he was a wrestler! he’s supposed to be big and burly! I think if taylor was his career would be fine. no worries.

Lana: I guess we will have to wait and see..if americas new hearthrob teen will come out, stay in, or forever hold his peace...muhahaha

Stephanie: and wait we will. but will we be waiting forever, a la tom cruise?
oh, taylor…

Lana: I don't know...eventually somethings gotta give..if he is living this little secret eventually he will want to break will happen...

Stephanie: why do you want him to be gay so badly?what if he’s just, I don’t know…introverted?

Lana: I don't WANT him to be gay...I'm just saying something is, just a I don't take "introvert" as an explanation....

Stephanie: I think you secretly want him to be gay.but that’s ok. I accept you for who you are. and I’d accept him for being him if he was gay.


Stephanie: his nose doesn’t look as…scrunched from the side. he looks hot from his profile.

Lana: eh...still nope nope nope

Stephanie: what-ev.
you’re a jocob hater anyway. I expected that response.
now this fella looks WAY BETTER with shades. WAY BETTER!!!

Lana:lol, i'm not a jacob hater..i just don't like taylor...the actual person..not the character..though i don't like the character either..
and kellan is getting on my nerves...don't know why

Stephanie: if you say you’re not a Jacob hater I suppose I no choice but to believe you. in my heart, however, I don’t. believe you, that is.
moving on…
I don’t like kellan either, but I think he definitely deserves the shivers when he has his shades on – you can’t see how close his eyes are to each other that way. other than that…ugh.

Lana: haha, o.k. well I have no choice but to respect that.
is that what it is, his eyes? its off..maybe he's too pretty and he knows he's pretty and people tell him he's pretty so now he's just conceited..which is NOT an a attractive trait.

Stephanie: oh, he’s definitely conceited! for sure!!!
and yes, it’s because everyone tells him how hot he is so he’s taking them for their word and running with it. and he tries to be seen, I feel. like everything he does, even jogging with his damn dog, is a chance for some face time.
he’s bordering heidi and spencer territory. rocky waters ahead.
have you never seen how tiny and close his eyes are together?! example:

Lana: his eyes are tiny, yes..I've seen eyes that are MUCH closer together...
I think cause I've already decided that he is too much work that everything about him is unattractive to me
so not heidi and spencer territory...YET..though little by little he's getting there...

Stephanie: I just can’t look at him without his glasses because he’s just so gross.
I think you and I are the only two people on the face of the earth that feel…nothing about him.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oh Mariah!

Stephanie: now this woman needs to go away! she doesn’t even look like she’s going to the event of all events!
more like a wedding to me.


Lana: I hate Mariah...she's useless...

Stephanie: I know. and I don’t think she’s all there, you know?

Lana: how can you be when your doped up on 20 different types of pills, I mean really..and the worst is the way she if she she looks like she did when she insured her legs for a million each..your not there, she'll never be again..I mean at least J.Lo wear clothing appropriately

Stephanie: she does dress horribly, doesn’t she?
like she’s still 27 years old and a size 0.
I hope I never never grow up. if I do follow her path I give you permission to slap me silly.

Lana: its bad, its real bad, and she doesn't even know it..she's all butterflies and ladybugs...crazy

Stephanie: I think she does know it but tries really hard to not believe it. why else would she marry a guy that still acts like he’s 16 and dresses like he’s 11?

Lana: the sad thing IS, is that her husband still dresses better for his age than she does for hers...and she married him, most likely, to show the world that she can till get a younger man.

Stephanie: neither one of those people can dress.
and if she wanted to show the world that she could still get a younger man she should have married someone else! someone with a career, a fashion sense and a better face!

Lana: he dresses better than she does...if its between him and her I take him on the fashion side...but no one else was desperate enough, like him, to marry her! See she couldn't find someone else..If she got someone with no background in the entertainment industry, basically a loser, than people would have made fun of her even more than they do now.But nick cannon, he has money, he was worked in this industry..he has some clout, yes it is only a little bit, but at least he created something for himself..and that is WHY they are together he needs her for her money and connections she needs him to make her look young.

Stephanie: you’re right. and I really dislike them. A LOT!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

From Henry Cavil to Jonathan Tucker

Freida Pinto: 'War of the Gods' with Henry Cavill!
Read more:
-with the subject line reading "no no no no no "

why the no’s? um…and that picture is HOT!
this…not so much:

I know I just don't want him to be in a movie with anyone other than me...hmph!
O I know..the dress is are bad bad payless shoes from when I was 13 and it was the day of my graduation..however, unfortunately, I bet these cost about $500+ while my pay-less shoes not so much...

oh, well, now I understand your reluctance for the filming of this movie.
I, too, think henry cavill is quite handsome and anyone that has the chance to work with him is one lucky person.a person of whom I will forever be highly envious.for sure.
as for Kristen stewart: the dress is ok, didn’t have a problem with it. but the shoes!?!? who the hell picked those? same goes for the pair she wore during her dreadful acceptance speech: chunky, white (!) and totally 90’s. ugh!
but I wasn’t talking about her shoes. did you happen to see the affordable pedicure she privileged herself to before slipping on those black monstrosities?
neither did I.

I LOVE jealous..its going to be a love story, I'm sure...ugh...mission: I need to find him as he is a hottie
dude, the girl could care less about pedicures and manicures...if she did get one I would be utterly shocked...but the shoes are not o.k. I repeat the shoes are not o.k.
I'm always curious when there is such an obvious blunder of wardrobe if it was the stylist or the celebrity who made that least the white ones looked like they came from a designer that would not have their shoes sold at payless...

so now you’re on a mission to find henry cavill as well as Robert pattinson?
that’s a lot of mission.
I think you need to become one with a pap so you can get all the inside scoop on stars whereabouts.
and she should be worried about pedicures! this is clearly a necessity in her line of work. would you be caught dead in a gorgeous dress and butt ugly shoes with un-pampered feet? if she didn’t want to paint her toes, who cares, but at least get them taken care of!
in this case I have to blame her stylist for the shoe missteps (no pun intended). If it were up to her she’d go everywhere in jeans and tennis with unwashed hair and a pipe in her pocket.
oh, and I forgot to tell you that ryan gosling was at my sister’s boyfriends restaurant last night.

well Rob is number one..but Henry is like one and a would be one of the hardest decisions of my life if I were to have to choose which one I wanted to see first if they were both in Los Angeles...
I DO need to become one with the pap...however, being as I am not a 6 foot, leggy, gorgeous blonde/brunette/redhead it is quite hard to get people to pay attention to you. especially in the entertainment industry...also seeing as how I do not have connections and cannot help the paps out I just don't see them helping ME from the kindness of their heart.
Ok see I thought it was the pure and simple fact that she did not paint her did you see her toes so close that you decide she NEEDED a pedicure as opposed to it being just something she should have done for the pure and simple fact that she was going a fashion show?
I don't know, sometimes these "celebrities" are like well this is ridiculous you dress me up, put make-up on me and make me act a certain way the least I can do is pick the shoes to never could be all HER fault but the stylist could do nothing about it..or even worse it could have been a dual collaboration between the two of them where both of them were like "yes, these shoes definitely deserve to go with this outfit" and in that case..I should be a stylist..ugh!
LOVE Ryan Gosling...see you need to become one with your cousin so she can contact you when he is actually there as opposed to her just telling you he was there.

well, I think the chances of them both being at the same place at the same time would be a hell of a chance.
but if you do get that lucky you better have your camera ready! I’m pulling for you.
um, paps don’t need you to be 6 feet tall with blond hair for them to befriend you. but you are at a disadvantage by not having an inside scoop on anyone. and I’m sure one of those guys would love to have you on their arm you just have to find the right one. then we’d be in for sure!!!
no, I didn’t care that Kristen stewart didn’t paint her toes. it’s the... *gag* …lack of care that I was pointing out.
I see where you’re coming from the shoe choice perspective. if someone got to decide what you wore to every event you’d want to have some input, naturally, so shoes are the most logic option. but I agree, if it was a collaborative catastrophe….any one of us could be a stylist.and why am I going to be chummy with my cousin? she didn’t see ryan gosling. my sisters boyfriend did. it’s his restaurant that ryan gosling goes to.

With my luck Rob and Henry would be in LA at the same time at two different places opposite and miles and miles away from each other..It's ok I'd figure out a way to get to both of them...or neither one of them..:/
Uh yea you have to be able to offer the paparazzi something, and since I don't have the inside sources to offer them, I'd at least have to be eye candy and in Hollywood being a average sized brunette does not do much for me..oh well
Yea I get it, she doesn't care..I still don't' understand why this surprises people..I'm more surprised when she actually dresses UP for events..
OOOPs, for some reason I thought your cousin saw him..ok so becomes besties with your sister's boyfriend so we can see Ryan...I bet he eats a perfect, southern, gentleman...delish!

how can one eat beautifully? I must know.
well, when George (my sister’s bf) sees him he always calls her to let her know, but since his work is about 20 minutes from my house I don’t think I’d have enough time to get there before RG leaves.
and she goes to work with him sometimes, you know to hang and stuff, and she’s never seen him. there have been a few people that she’s seen but I can’t remember which ones.
OH! she’s met and actually had full conversations with Jonathan Tucker. that’s something, right?

when your a great looking guy chances are you eat beautifully..I wouldn't know from experience seeing as how I am not a great looking guy, nor do I eat beautiful...
who is John Tucker?

so great looking means = beautiful eating? hmmm….
maybe we should do a study and see if your theory is true.
but I can tell you that everyone I know, including myself, doesn’t eat beautifully – just normally – so maybe we aren’t meant to be with a beautiful eater.
I had a feeling you wouldn’t know who JT was because when I was told about him I had no clue either. He’s this guy from the movie “The Ruins” with Jenna Malone and from “Texas Chainsaw” with Jessica Biel:

OMG I love that guy!!!!!!!!..I have the biggest crush on the biggest he is such a cutie geek nerd guy..but I adore him....
he was in The Virgin Suicides, Hostage with Bruce Willis...if he's there I MUST I MUST be notified

wow! I didn’t know he registered so high on your list.she’s talked with him a few times about her desire to do makeup and such, and he told her that one he got back from Canada, I want to say, (he’s back now) he’d talk to her about getting her started. I’m not sure if she’s talked to him but I know he goes into the restaurant all the time so she’ll definitely run into him again.
for sure.
and he is way cute, I agree. especially in the ruins. and with that baseball cap.
geeky hot is the best, I think.

OMG....I want to meet him...I think we could be perfect together!!...must do intro..
He does, he's adorkable....and what you just told me makes me like him even more cause that makes a sweet heart...awwwwwwwww

if you want to catch him you should go to the restaurant. its on the corner of Hollywood at Gower: Alwazir Chicken.
George, my sister’s bf, is the guy that usually takes orders and such. He’s a big guy with dark hair and square glasses. Just tell him you know me and ask if JT has been in recently and if there are other stars that go in regularly. He’ll give you the scoop.
I haven’t even met him but if you do please document! and let him know you and I are both looking to get into the entertainment industry ANY WAY WE CAN!
except for the couch route, of course.

I'm not gonna go in there like some crazy stalker chick who is really NOT a stalker chick seeing as how I barely know anything about this dude...
and no way José to the couch way!

I’m not telling you to be a stalker, for crying out loud! just go in and get info from George on the days he usually comes in. Then if you happen to run into him bump into him or something causal and strike up a convo.
and that’s when you throw our entertainment interests into the mix.
do I have to do this for you?!

yea YOU do it!

I can’t do it! he knows salena! if I get all creepy and ask for a job it may jeopardize her chances!
I was just joking, lana.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Justin and Jessica...yay or nay?

now, this is one girl I really can’t stand. honestly!
from her awfully huge mouth (and no-shaped top lip) and her sour puss face to her wrist slitting acting…ugh. I just don’t like her.

I used to like her, I used to think she was all beautiful and amazing..but now she's sort of blah...nothing special..especially in this industry she doesn't stand out...but unfortunately because she isn't ugly she'll always have some sort of job..
especially if she and Justin are together..he'll always be able to help her get something..cause though he is a douche bag of the biggest kind...he is a big player in this industry...

S:no, I never liked her. even when she was on 7th Heaven, when she acted all manly and didn’t wear make-up or do her hair and walked around all day in her basketball jersey, I didn’t like her. not that acting like a man offends me, because it doesn’t, but she wanted to be pretty while acting like that, you know? not going to happen. and I’m honestly over Justin timerblake, too. he hasn’t “aged” well (he’s not 75, I know, but compared to his N’Sync days he’s really…changed. I think his nose has expanded.) and he thinks that just because he can sing and dance he can do anything…especially act, which he definitely can not do. I don’t know, I think his arrogance and entitlement are grounds for dismissal.

L:See I didn't mind her on 7th heaven...thought it was refreshing that she wasn't pounded with make-up...but really though I was 15 so what do I know about refreshing..I was pounding on make-up to cover up my topic
Thought she was cute..up until she is TOO skinny...and her head looks too big..and I can forgive the whole big lip thing if she was a talented actress..but she's she's not forgiven for the way she looks now...
I think Justin is still a little hottie..however his hotness diminishes because he thinks he's the poo..and he's definitely not..his poo does not smell like roses.. I don't think he's aged at all..his nose expanded? his nose ALWAYS looked like that...He definitely cannot act, but man oh man did I love him in Alpha Dog..all the tats..yum yum yum..he was funny in that movie..thought that movie wasn't supposed to be funny..but it was it really really was...

ok, to be fair that picture definitely puts him back on the qualifing list. but we have to take into account Justin timberlake as a whole:
2)horrible actor
4)“too cool for school”
5)hates to be photographed by the paps (but I’d have to agree if I, too, were a celebrity…they’re ruthless)
6)wears nerd glasses that he thinks make him look different and cool – they don’t

7)left Janet Jackson out to dry during “Wardrobe Malfunction Gate” – not cool
8)cried to his mom when he was being “Punk’d” by Ashton Kutcher (OMG! that was the best episode e.v.e.r.!)
9)doesn’t like to talk about his N’Sync days – the part of his life that shot him to super stardom!
10)refuses to tie his shoes (you’ll have to look closely)


L:true, true, true, true, true, true, true, #8. that was the BEST episode of punk'd, everything after ceased to amaze me...that was the BEST., true, don't care
he sucks yes, but I dunno, maybe when he becomes a man he'll be better...we can hope...

S:well, I think he thinks he’s already a man and not the teen-man that he is.
only time will tell…

HAHAH, hehehe, hmmmmmm


which one is the tranny and which one is actually brooke hogan...

it’s not hard to tell which is which, but I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t know.
brook on right, tranny on left.
I kid, I kid!!!
she does look like a man, though. so does her mother, come to think of it.
maybe we should give makeup and hair advice, no?